Create a
GDPR-compliant website

Protect your site visitors against data breaches with a secure GDPR-compliant website! With Renderforest website builder, you can easily create a GDPR-compliant site to help you avoid expensive penalties and give your visitors peace of mind when they safely browse your website.

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What is GDPR compliance

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) includes EU data privacy laws implemented on the 25th of May 2018. According to them, if the website owner wants to collect, store, or process personal data from EU users, they must make it clear on their website how they are going to use the data and give them an explicit choice to opt-in or opt-out.

Why make your website GDPR-compliant

Protect the personal data of your EU customers

Help your users feel protected on your website! A GDPR-compliant website is a must nowadays, as cybercriminals target users' personal data more than they did before.

Prevent future data breaches

GDPR-compliant website will safeguard your visitor's data, detecting the threats and vulnerabilities your business may face. The encrypted data will mitigate the risks of a data breach.

Gain trust among your customers

Once your customers see the HTTPS URL and the banner on your website, they will be sure that their data is protected and will trust you more than the ones without GDPR website compliance.

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How to be GDPR compliant with Renderforest

5-step GDPR-compliant checklist

Start a new project. Choose a website template you prefer, customize it to your liking, and enable GDPR compliance with one simple click.

To comply with the GDPR requirements include Cookie Settings on the banner. Include a pop-up on the user’s first visit to accept or decline consent on cookie usage.

Generate a GDPR-compliant Privacy Policy to inform your users about the data you collect.

Once you obtain consent to collect data, you should make sure to secure it. The collected data with regards to its sensitivity should be encrypted. Encryption makes data unreadable unless it’s unencrypted, mitigating the risks associated with breaches.

Create an easy and explicit process for your users to request a copy of their saved data. Providing an easy-to-review data request process ensures businesses comply with GDPR regulations.

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Use an advanced cookie banner to comply with the GDPR requirements

Describe what kind of cookies you are setting and why

Notify your visitors that your website uses certain types of cookies to track their online behavior and collect data via an advanced cookie banner.

Display an opt-out option for users who wish to block cookies

Inform your EU visitors that they have the right to accept the banner cookies or reject them all when they enter the website for the first time.

Give them the option to recall the cookie banner

Don't forget to give your website visitors the option to recall the cookie banner if they want to withdraw or change the consent status.

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Scale your business with GDPR compliance

Get consent to email your customers

Get permission from EU citizens to use their emails for retargeting purposes or simply for updating them on your new releases.

Provide data rights provision to your customers

Give your customers the right to access their data and request it to be deleted or changed whenever they want. Add the details about their rights in Privacy Policy.

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What is the GDPR compliance checklist?

GDPR compliance checklist is a simple few-step list to help you discover whether you are compliant with the GDPR or if you still need some improvements. Once you go through the steps, you will be able to highlight the areas where you have issues regarding data collection and protection.

What is the maximum penalty for non-compliance with the GDPR?

The maximum penalty that someone can get for not complying with the GDPR can reach more than €20 million! However, in some cases, it's not limited to the fine. You may also be forced to delete the personal data you created and won't be allowed to collect it again in the future.

Is Google Analytics for my website GDPR compliant?

No, Google Analytics is not GDPR-compliant. If you use Google Analytics, you should inform your visitors about it and obtain explicit consent from them. Besides that, you should have an easily-accessible GDPR-compliant privacy policy that mentions all the steps of personal data processing.

Website template ideas for your customization