Buy the perfect domain name for your business

Discover a relevant name for your company to help people find it online. Use our instant search and suggestion tool to buy and register domain names in seconds.

Why buy a domain with Renderforest

Market your business online

Get known among customers searching for businesses like yours with a compatible domain name. Increase website traffic, phone calls, and store visits, all on an affordable budget.

Build your GDPR-compliant site

No matter what domain you purchase, ensure your website stays legal and GDPR-compliant. Make sure your visitors are protected.

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How to buy a domain name

Check the domain name

Check the domain names straight away as you type, wasting no time. Find a great name to help you start your business online.

Generate a domain name in seconds

Renderforest domain name generator augments your search with thousands of popular options, including cool beginnings and endings. Get a website name for your new business without a drop of sweat.

Check domain name availability

Renderforest domain name checker provides updates on the availability of a specific domain name by informing you whether it has already been taken, is invalid, or is available for usage. If the domain name you chose is not valid, Renderforest will give you a better option from the available names.

Find the right domain ending

Check out hundreds of domain endings, including .com, .org, .net, .dev, .me, and much more, and simultaneously scan hundreds of ccTLDs (country-code domains).

Complete your online brand with the right domain

Simple pricing

When you start typing a domain name, the price, as well as the extension, will appear immediately next to the name in the options, allowing you to quickly compare prices.

Domain refund policy

If you want to cancel your domain and obtain a refund, Renderforest support representatives will walk you through the procedure and reimburse your money within the Money Back Grace Period.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What to do if the domain name you want is taken?

First, check if there is a known brand or a trademark using your desired business name. You do not want to have a similar business name and create an originality issue or customer confusion. If there are no remarkable brands, try to use other extensions or make subtle changes to your domain name.

Where to buy a domain name?

Login to your Renderforest account, build your website, then go ahead and choose a domain name with Renderforest’s domain name generator. Once chosen, it takes one second for you to buy it.

What is domain name registration?

Domain name registration is the process of reserving a name on the Internet for a specific amount of time, often one year.

How long does my domain remain registered?

There is no way to buy a domain name forever, so it can belong to you for as long as you renew it.